I'm back in the great state of Arkansas and ready for Labor Day weekend....
desperately have some updating on the blog to do. Luckily it's Friday and I have been
taking pictures only via my iPhone = Perfect post for
Since my last post,

I got to tag along with Beth, a
Young Designs' bride {
gettin' hitched next weekend to be exact!}, to her bridal portraits at
Alda's Magnolia Hill. It was such a wonderful evening at one of central Arkansas's premiere outdoor venues! It definitely got me excited about the upcoming Fall wedding season!
On the 19
th, I headed across to Memphis, TN for Southern Bride Magazine's Summer Soiree for vendors. It was so much fun and I got to meet my blog friend
Lindsey who works for S.B.M. Loved finally meeting her in person! {stole this pic from her blog too,
thx ha!} Here was the set-up at Clark Towers. Gorgeous beach theme!
Living back in my hometown has it perks, especially that I am so close to cheer on my cousin at her high school volleyball games! It's her first year to play varsity and I am so proud of her! {She's in the middle of the picture.}

In between Memphis and Volleyball games at good ole' CAC, I made a quick trip to Heber Springs to help Meemaw learn how to email, make word documents, print, etc. on her computer. She is so good. I was very proud of her! I was also very proud of my fellow Kappa's and the job they did on recruitment this year! This year the seniors, were the freshmen when I was in charge of Homecoming my senior year. They were so helpful during that time and I got to know them extremely well. I loved being able to go back as an alumni and help these girls some!
The Sweet KKG house on Maple St.

Fayetteville, I was off to Minneapolis, Minnesota for a work trip. Timing is everything in the event industry and jobs can happen overnight {which I love.} I had a meeting one week, 4 days later they had put me on a job, and I would fly out in 2 days for another with them. LOVE that I didn't have a wedding this past weekend and was available for the job in MN. I am getting into some more contract labor for events this upcoming year with them, still doing weddings in Arkansas- no worries, but I am excited to add this new addition to my portfolio. Not to mention see/tour some great cities. Hey it might make my blog more interesting to :0)

Downtown Minneapolis was gorgeous and so neat!
Ate at the famous Manny's Steaks with the team I was working with.

Friday afternoon toured around Mall of America and had this amazing snack.
Banana carmel crepe- delish!

I got to work at the veteran's job fair with the US Chamber of Commerce on Saturday.

Then 3 of us headed to the State Fair to celebrate a job well done! It was so much fun and I had a blast 'working.' I have definitely found my calling with events and have discovered it doesn't matter which kind- it is the process of execution and helping others that pays off.

In other news and after spending 6/8 nights not in my bed, home is...

Where the red door is...
{Complements of Momma Mona! Yes, it makes my heart happy and Dad wants to paint a hog on it- I'm thinking a Hog wreath will do. Kickoff for the pigs= less than 24 hours!}