One word to describe the last month: traveling
To the outside world at times: Chaos
To me: Wonderful
I'm back home from a whirlwind of traveling, some for pleasure- most for work; all enjoyable.
Here's my quick round up for my records.
Mount Rushmore Trip with my grandmother and Dad. South Dakota was....filled with pheasant hunters for opening weekend {yes- ran into some Razorback rednecks there} and Mount
Rushmore. Nothing more than the corn palace and Wall Drug {home of the ten foot rabbit} exist in the Fall there. :) Oh and Crazy Horse too.

Fall arrangements for a non-profit fundraiser in Little Rock. Here's a peak at one.
First trip to Boston at the end of October! Great working there for a few days. Cool. Cool town. {Note to self- go back and visit.}
Halloween time. Went to the Witches Brew with my Momma. Her and her friends do this every year. This year chef Donnie Ferneau came and taught us how to cook- excuse me, cooked for us. It was delicious and so much fun! I'm the witch in the back-red mask to avoid my identity. ha {just in case they got out of hand. Kidding.}
Could do a whole post on everything he made. We'll see if that gets accomplished this year. I'm guess no. Sorry- guess you had to be there! ;)

Wedding time in Maumelle. I even perfected the art of driving a scissor lift and hanging fabric with 30 mph wind along the Arkansas river. But at least it turned into looking like this for the wedding {and perfect weather- Thank you Lord!}.

For more wedding images go to Benfield's blog.
Then Fayetteville for to witness the Hogs beating South Carolina and off to California for the week!!! Got to play with old coworkers and work with new coworkers for the week!

Nashville Bound to meet up with Momma and Sister!

For Blair {my cousin} & Jeff's wedding!!! Love them and so happy for them!

Before back to LR for the Hogs to whip MSU in football and move to #3 in the country!!!
Prayers still going up for the Uekman Family and Razorback nation. But I have a feeling that the big man upstairs is taking care of us all {and might really deep down be a hog fan). }

Now off to get ready for the rest of the week/weekend. Get to see all my friends and celebrate all of Natalie's Wedding festivities. Busy time during the holidays, but being busy is always good. Happy Thanksgiving week to you and yours, wish you all great blessings!