Hello friends! In between catching up on the bachelor tonight and laughing hysterically at Betty White's senior citizen comedy, I figured I was due for a post. This past week was full of Hobby Lobby trips, breaking mirrors, greeting the UPS man on several occasions and all of the other lovely tasks that make up my booths for the bridal show. This was my third year for the January Arkansas Democrat Gazette Bridal show in Little Rock. After two years of
getting my feet wet, I've decided to dive in head first to kick start 2012. The past few weeks/month has been devoted to getting Young Designs
website launched, meetings, and preparing for this show {not complaining, for I wouldn't trade it for a thing}. However, now that it is checked off my list, it's safe to say
I can come up for a little air.
Here are a few pictures of this years set-up. I wanted to do an end cap booth but with everyone in August loving our red carpet booth, I caved and did 3 spots. Two were together then we had the red carpet. Our end cap booth was a little flashy with a touch of my favorite color, red.

If the saying is true that 'if you break a mirror you are in for 7 years of bad luck' then I guess I have 210 years staring me straight in the eye. I'm hoping its' not true if you break them intentionally. But it was so worth it for this shot.

The Red Carpet.

And my awesome support system for the day. Julia, one of my on-site assistants, Momma Mona, Mrs. Vickie who is a former Mother-of-the-bride/my 6th grade teacher and her daughter Lacey, one of my bff's and former bride. They were great and I was so lucky they volunteered to help out all day. Thanks a bunch! After deep cleaning my office today {hooray}, the rest of the week is going to be major productive cleaning and pretty boring for a blog post aka reorganizing my house/unpack bridal show stuff, and closing out the year of 2011. So on that note, I hope yours is productive and enjoyable!