December was a FUN month~
Went with my bunco group to Spirited Art to prepare a WPS painting!

Festival of Trees: Business Casual Night

Worked the first part of the month until the night of the 10th on Arkansas Children's Hospital's Miracle Ball. It was a packed working week but so much joy and hope was in knowing we were all part of raising money for this great cause. ACH raised over $500,000 that evening. How great is that? I was honored to be a vendor and Young Designs a sponsor of the event. This was my second year working on it. So blessed. Here are a few shots of our finished project..

You'll notice a certain logo on the bottom right....
Young Designs. Happy to be a part of an awesome cause.

After the event I got to celebrate Christmas with my college friends that were in town and exchange gifts. This was my first Christmas event to kick off the season and get me in the spirit. To be honest the next week, my brain was fried from overload and 9 straight hands-on working days- so my brain took a vacation and I don't even remember what I did.

Meemaw and I made a last minute road trip and headed to Bentonville, Arkansas. Did you know
Travel & Leisure just named Bentonville the
#12 spot of top 12 destinations in 2012?! Such a great honor for our state. We went to visit Alice Walton's Crystal Bridges Art Museum. Meemaw was so excited. Which I can agree, you must visit it! MUST! It is one of the top museums in the world and after seeing museums in DC, Italy, St. Louis, Arkansas, and various other places- it is one of my personal favorites. (And one that I didn't get bored in- so that has to say something if it can keep my interest for 4+ hours) If you go, eat lunch or dinner at the cafe 11. Great food for very reasonable prices- we approved of the shrimp & grits and the Chicken Salad.

One of my favorites... Norman Rockwell...

{Yes they allow photography- just no flash!}
Once we returned it was time to celebrate Mom's birthday and get ready for Christmas! We hosted Christmas Brunch at our house on Christmas morning and it was so much fun. Of course at 10pm the night before, after Christmas Eve service, I decided to decorate the table with items around the house. Here's what I came up with.

Santa was good to me and more importantly I am so grateful for the reason of the season, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with him. Along with spending time with family and friends, it was a wonderful Christmas! Hope you all had a very merry Christmas! Did you get any 'must have' gifts for me to add to my 2012 needs? If so, leave a comment and do tell ;)
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