Being that I just realized that in 5 weeks I will be covering 5 different towns each weekend. This began two weeks ago with my weekend in Stuttgart, Arkansas.
Have I mentioned I LOVE my job, especially when I am working with clients that I have known for years. That is how the weekend of May 21-23 went. One of my sorority sisters at the University of Arkansas, Meghan married Seth in Stuttgart. Young Designs was hired on to decorated for the rehearsal dinner and coordinate the wedding day. Here are a few pictures of my friends!

The happy couple at the rehearsal dinner!
A few of my KKG Sisters
Oh just catching up.... : )
With the Bride-to-be Meghan
Mrs. Lindsey, Love this girl!
They were all so sweet to include me in the wedding festivities while I was in town working. I had so much fun catching up with them and working at this wedding.
Meghan and her bridesmaids Stephanie, Ashley, and Lindsey
The wonderful hosts of the Bridal Luncheon and the Bride!
The Bride on her wedding day!
Ashley, Me, and Lindsey
Such a fun weekend!!! Check out Young Designs blog to see more decor from the Wedding Weekend in Stuttgart! It was wonderful working and playing in Stuttgart with you girls!
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