Linking up with Carissa at Lowercase Letters today for Miscellany Monday!
1) Obsessed with this series...The Bride Quartet

2) I guess I should thank Julia for getting me back on track with Nora Roberts' series. She was talking about book four the other night at dinner. Number two of my "miscellaneous" blog post is how much I have enjoyed and treasured my friends over the last few weeks. Whether it is a phone call or dinner date, I have finally had a chance to catch up with ones that I haven't seen recently or haven't seen in a year or so. This week I had a variety of meetings but was able to squeeze in dinner with Natalie, Julia, Molly, and Lesley all on different days. So yes, I ate out a lot but it was so worth catching up with them.
3) Another sweet friend, Lara, sent me this quote (we both love a good quote). I just had to share it with you all. I loved it.
Find whatever it is that you love to do (career wise) and do it! The right boy will fall in line according to the plan that the Big Man upstairs has for each and every one of us. Stay faithful, never settle, and don't push for something that's not really there!
Isn't it great?!
4) Momma and a few of her friends had "Rita" afternoon on Saturday, and I crashed it :)
Love these ladies, their knowledge and stories are always entertaining! Especially after a few 'Ritas. ha

5) I aged years today! When I took my little cousin to get her driver's permit. She had to take the written part and oh.my. When we walked in the room, I got a good laugh. It was the same room at the Arkansas State Police Headquarters that I took mine at...Oh some...almost TEN years ago???! Yes, coming on 24 in April means I got my permit ten years ago at the wonderful age of 14. Well, once I got over the shock, she was done. And passed! YAY!
We had a cheese dip break on the way home, which turned into an hour of driving around the backroads of Maumelle, and the baseball parking lot.

6) To cap off the day, the Bachelor just aired. LOVE the show. Dislike that Michelle is STILLL around! That's all I'm saying on that one. She needs to be gone. ASAP.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week :)
She is sooo crazy!! But she's beautiful! Which makes her even more annoying! haha