Oh. Wow.
I have debated in my head back and forth on this post, but life is real- happy and sad- and if this post helps one person than it was worth it. 7 days back seems like forever ago because it has been one roller coaster week! So here is my "quick" summary.
The last post filled you in on Arkansas's crazy weather and tornadoes. Arkansas got way lucky compared to the rest of the south and the tornadoes that followed for Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, etc. Then Thursday was exciting with Alfred Angelo's bridal vendor night in Little Rock. I set up a mini-booth as show below.

Is to be Thankful for the little angels that come down roads less traveled. You see, earlier this evening, my Dad spoke with the lady that found him. She had a friend with her at the time, who was a nurse. They turned down this road and saw a motorcycle in the middle with a man laying on his back. They stopped. Called emergency help. But when they saw him, his condition was extremely severe {without getting specific}. What they did next is probably what saved his life. They prayed. She told my Dad tonight that when they finished their prayer he was gaining his pulse back and coming to; gaining consciousness. He could see them and interact, something he wasn't able to do before. Reason for posting this: It woke me up, and made me realize that we need to look and be aware of who might need help around us, we can be earthly angels to others and at times in our life we will need an earthly angel on our side. Our family has the highest appreciation to these two ladies and know that if it wasn't for them, we would be mourning a family members loss right now instead of helping him get better. Needless to say Thursday and Friday were crazy. But I was able to sneak a peak of this Friday morning...

This week has taught me so much. Most importantly be grateful. And thankful for your family, homes, towns, and the little things in life. Keep those who are rebuilding their towns from tornadoes and everyone's families in your prayers. And if duty calls, be an angel and help someone out! It will mean more to them than you will ever know and could even help save a life.
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