When I was interning in LA, I went to the Ellen Show to watch the Dave Matthew's Band preform. I was given 2 tickets for the actual Ellen Show for February 8, 2010 (my sister's birthday). So prior to my NYC trip, my sister and I had a trip to LA planned for her birthday weekend. It just so happened that we were able to be on the same 6 hour flight to LA! We arrived in California Friday night. Instead of Aimee seeing "sunny California" it was a downpour when we arrived.

After we got our nails done, we headed to the Beverly Wilshire. Ray and the staff of Images By Lighting were setting up for a wedding there, so we stopped by! Here is a peak inside set-up:
I had never been to the Beverly Wilshire before, so Ray gave us a tour. You would probably recognize it from the movie, Pretty Woman.

Since it was raining in LA, we headed south for the afternoon to Laguna Beach. Megan came with us and we had such a fun car ride. We even saw this rainbow driving down the PCH!
And Finally....Laguna Beach.

We walked and shopped, got lost in the hills, and then ate dinner overlooking the ocean. Can't get much better than that. At dinner, the waiter noticed Aimee's birth date and brought her a chocolate mousse treat! Let the Birthday weekend begin!

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