Friday, it was time to head to Fayetteville for Rachel Duncan and Ben Kirksey's wedding weekend. When I arrived in town, I met Amanda, Seanne, Ashley, and Chelsea. We took a field trip to the NWA mall. Mission: Shoes! Talk about timing, with finals for them and school wrapping up, I am still shocked that we were free for a little while to play at the mall. So much fun. Can't wait to see them more this month. Then I went to the rehearsal dinner in Fayetteville. It was a lovely dinner catered by Noodles. One of my favorite Fayetteville restaurants. I had a wonderful time tagging along as the Best Man, Mason's date. It was a wonderful evening surrounded by their families and friends. Sadly, I didn't get any pictures. What was I thinking? No idea. But I made sure to get a few at the Wedding.
Saturday was a wonderful morning playing around town with Chelsea. We treated ourselves to water at Uncle Gaylords, lunch at The Tea Room, yogurt at Orange Mango on Dickson St. and a stop by Seth and Chelsea's new house!
Rachel and Ben's wedding was at 3pm in Alma. Thankfully the 80% chance of rain stayed away and it was SUNNY. Don't know about where you live, but Arkansas has been crazy.
A few party pics from the wedding.
Beautiful Magnolias
It doesn't get any better than a white tent among a few acres... or in this case two tents! They made sure this wedding was going to happen rain or shine! It was perfect.
We seem to meet up at weddings these days! Me, Jessica, Ashley Dee
Mr. & Mrs. Kirksey's First Dance
Love my Kappa Sisters!
Maid-of-Honor Amanda, Casey, Me, Jessica, Ashley Dee
Amanda and Jessica's Photo Shoot!
Father Daughter Dance. Rachel was absolutely stunning and glowing more than any Bride I have ever seen. Her happiness was written all over her face!

Congrats to your friends! What a cute couple! I know Will Flowers, we went to high school together! He is so talented!