{Sorry blog readers, you will likely get updates on their season since our extended family reads the blog. }
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Volleyball time :)
Hip Hip Hooray!!! The CAC Jr. High girls won their first volleyball game this season over Oak Grove. I was so excited that I am FINALLY home during my cousins "school" volleyball season!
She did such a good job for her first game as a ninth grader. I only got a few pictures because I felt like my camera was bad luck. Ha Every time I started taking pictures they would get behind or make a mistake. So hopefully better luck with my camera next time. Congrats Miss Hayley, you did wonderful! I am so happy I get to watch you play this fall. Love you!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Amanda's Wedding Weekend
This past weekend, I spent time with these girls.....
Saturday evening tucked away in a secluded spot in Rogers, Arkansas; Amanda and Jared tied the knot!! I LOVED being a guest at a wedding and got a little picture happy...

This past weekend was one of my top weekends. It was so much fun relaxing and catching up with friends! Plus touring around and playing in Rogers/Bentonville! Thanks for a great time girls!
the beautiful venue
My sweet friend Amanda! Who was a GORGEOUS bride!!
The Bridesmaids!
My favorite shot of the day. The angle, light, tree, floral arrangement, aisle, and of course Casey too! ha
Almost time...
Amanda & Jared
Mr. & Mrs. McGraw!!! Couldn't find a happier two!
LOVED Amanda's stylish hairpiece.
Love you wonderful friend!! So glad we got to hang out all weekend and wish you all the best!
Amanda & Me
Me & Kim!!!
PS. She sang "Feels like Home" and it was AMAZING!
This was the first of many weddings for her to sing at {including mine, when the time comes, that I made her promise to do three years ago!} I got a little of it recorded so I will try to post that soon!
My Saturday shopping buddy, Morgan!
With two of my married Kappa sisters! They left the husbands at home!
First Dance.
On the heart of each sister!
Group Shot! Love you all! AND enjoyed catching up with each one of you!
They're off...
AND I am officially addicted to taking "sparkler" pictures :)
How to end August
"People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said but they will always remember how you made them feel."
...is one of my favorite quotes ever. While eating lunch today, I was skimming over my favorite "google reader, catching up on the 700+ blog updates, it had been accumulating over the last few weeks. I LOVED "the Cab" story on Rachel Jone's blog. It is one worth reading. Thanks for sharing it Rachel! It made my day, and reminded me that we should close the month of August out, by making an impact in someones life. It is so simple.
Happy Monday everyone! Just want you to know that your kindness does have an impact :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Time for another Bridal Show!
Sunday, was the third bridal show this year that Young Designs was privileged to participate in. It was Little Rock's 2010 Fall Bridal Show. So I spent the weekend wrapped around all of this.... 

As a new business owner, I am so pleased with the first 8 months and look forward to see how the rest of 2010 finishes out!!! Please continue to keep myself and my business in your prayers, and offer any feed back for Young Designs, or your advice in starting/running a small business. I love hearing from everyone who has "been there." It is such a wonderful learning tool. For those of you that are interested in all the details of the Fall Bridal Show head over to Young Designs Post!!!
Visiting with potential Fall 2010 and 2011 Brides!
And decorating for this booth on Saturday afternoon. Then completing finishing touches on Sunday morning including setting up the floral arrangements!

It was so much fun! But I do have to admit that by 5:00pm on Sunday, I HAD to take a seat on this lovely couch for a second :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Giving Back
Sorry I was MIA last week! After the McDougald/Penrod wedding, I treated myself to a manicure/pedicure thanks to Mrs. Belinda (Mother of the Bride) on Monday and relaxed a little bit! Then it was back to the "dirty work" of cleaning up after we did a wedding for 400+!
Since I was in Fayetteville, I was able to see a few of my friends too!!! Natalie and I took the road trip up, hung out with friends Thursday night on Dickson St. We stayed with the newlyweds in their new home (which was super cute!!), got to see Ashley's new apartment, and go antique shopping on Friday. We also stopped by the new Riffraff store on the square. I was so happy to finally see it! Sorry, no party pics, I left my camera at home. But I am super excited about the next few weekends and promise many pictures coming your way!
Yes, being a "wedding planner" also includes washing vases, cleaning flower buckets, windex-ing lots of things, taking inventory, etc. Therefore I don't think I opened my computer but once. But Thursday, I was able to "give back" to an organization that has gotten me so far. Kappa Kappa Gamma. It is my sorority from college and holds a special place in my heart.
Especially when it comes to events. I really believe that being in charge of "Homecoming" and other activities my Junior and Senior year is what finalized my decision to enter the event industry. I was so honored when the girls asked if I would assist on Pref night decor for Rush. I didn't think twice. Plus I loved seeing them all. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me miss college or rush, or feel old! ha
Here is a sneak peak of the design.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Romans 8:28

Oh how this scripture explains my night tonight.
I climbed in bed about 3 hours ago to finish watching Remember The Titans (thanks ABC Family) after my dad bailed out on me to go to bed.
{Quick sidenote: this got me so ready for Hog football ha}
When it got over-I was wide awake. Body exhausted from this weekend, but my mind racing.
I decided I had a few "not-fun" tasks for Young Designs I needed to do, so I figured why not knock them out tonight and make Monday a fun-task day!
But first, I was missing something/needed some help- So I opened by Beth Moore Bible study book "Living beyond yourself" and happened to stumble across this statement:
"How often, in the midst of a trial have we all said, "I don't know how any good will ever come from this one." Yet, have we ever lost our entire fortune, all of our children, and our health? In the midst of circumstances which continually testified that nothing good could ever be obtained, Job persevered, fueled by his hope that, "when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." ...Job placed his hope in the truth expressed in Romans 8:28 long before it was ever written!"
As soon as I read this, I felt like it was exactly what I needed to hear. Besides everything picking up personally with work, I have some prayer requests for you all.
Remember my post about our Mexico Beach Family reunion?
Well I would love it if you could keep these two in your prayers, sweet Aunt Rachel & Uncle Herbert!
These two have been on my mind constantly today, and would love your prayers. Uncle Herbert was admitted in the hospital Saturday in Nashville. He has a really bad infection, possibly septic, we are waiting for the results to get back. Please pray that the antibiotics are working for him and for strength and patience. He has been out of it and confused while at the hospital and not had much mobility in his legs. Luckily he was able to walk on the walker today with the physical therapist. Aunt Rachel and Uncle Herbert are the oldest Whitt's and adored by the entire family. We all are thinking and praying for them, and love them dearly.
Also, Lacey's future brother-in-law, Logan who is 13, had to be Med Flighted to AR Children's Hospital late this evening. He is experiencing kidney failure due to dehydration that put him in the hospital on Friday. He is in ICU at children's. Due to fluid in his lungs, his heart is enlarged, she just informed me he is going to be on dialysis till 2:15am. Bless his little heart, I can't imagine what he is going through right now. She asked for prayers that swelling & fluid goes down for him. Also for both the Tankersley/Johnson families that are up there right now.
While we are at it, add Mrs. Vickie Tankersley to your list, she starts her 6 months of chemo this Thursday. She is a fighter, and I know she will get through this.
Thank you for your prayers! Feel free to add yours in the comment box if you have someone you would like me to keep in mind. And remember have hope and trust in Romans 8:28. The man upstairs does have a plan for each and every one of us.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
This weekend!
Okay folks.
One of the {my} most anticipated wedding weekends of the year is this weekend!
It will be full of these colors....
I, and my staff, will be consuming these snacks!

Using what is in these boxes and tubs (and many others) to make
Allyson & Jonathan's dream wedding come to life!

It all starts back my senior year of high school. Allyson was one of my best friends at Central Arkansas Christian school and she had a crush on the student council class president. You see...not many people knew about her crush, Jonathan, but I was one of those people! I got to watch them flirt and go on there first date. They stayed together all through college and got engaged on Christmas day 2009. On the 28th, yes of December, I had a meeting with Allyson set to discuss her wedding. Then I got to spend the last eight months helping Allyson and her mom, Mrs. Belinda plan the wedding design and tiniest details. So much time has gone into this wedding weekend from all three of us. I am so excited and thrilled it is here for them. I have enjoyed working with the two of them and spending so much time with them. They really couldn't have been any easier to work with! I am so lucky to have had them as one of my first clients. Allyson has been busy studying away for her PT exams this week, so say an extra prayer for her on her finals tomorrow. Then she has Friday off to enjoy all of her friends being in town before her wedding!
Me: Well we are officially moved in on-site where our staff has a huge area to prepare all of the magic for this ceremony and reception!!! I am so excited that I can barely sleep. Ha
So for the next 3 days, I am all about this wedding! I'll return Monday with all of the details from a friend's perspective!!!
Check out Allyson & Jonathan's New Booking Post from January!!

Love these pictures by April Ruple of Ruple Photography!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Bridal Shower Sunday!
We chose to do a "Southern Lady" themed bridal shower for Allison using her colors, charcoal gray and raspberry. For more decor details, click {here}. For Party Pics, keep reading!!!
The Bride & Maid of Honor, Jessica!
Sweet friends striking a pose, Mom and Mrs. Debbie.
Mom and Mrs. Debbie Cherry! They are too funny together!
Hometown friends all grown up! Leslie, Allison, Me
Mother/Daughter Pic
Family pic!
Overview group shot of the room!
It was so much fun celebrating Allison's time being a "bride." We had a wonderful turnout and such a great time visiting with friends, new and old! Seems like yesterday, Allison and I were talking about her shower at her brothers "Duck hunting themed shower." My, how the months have flown by. Allison and Dusty just have a few weeks left till their date in October. Congratulations you two, can't wait for your big day!
Last week!
Hey Everyone!
Hope you are having a great week! August officially has arrived and is in full swing for me. Which I am loving so far. As I was looking over my planner and discussing with some peers, this year's August feels like "the Plaza in June" and what a wonderful way to bring in fall.
Don't know about you, but I am pretty sure your August is packed with weddings (friends and clients), back to school activities, and getting back into the swing of things after summer.
Last week, I had the pleasure of working with these two, Alisha & Josh, in Bryant, Arkansas.
Alisha was such a doll to work with and we became great friends over the last 7 months. It felt so weird today, adding her folder to the completed wedding file. I could not be happier for the two, and hope they are enjoying the sun in Mexico!

In the office this week, we've been preparing for another fun wedding; our "first" booked (back in January) large-scale wedding will take place this Saturday! More to come on that one, in the next few days as Young Designs will be setting up shop in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
Wishing you all a wonderful week!
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