I absolutely LOVE this picture of the LED lit Column!!! Thanks Ray!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Emmy Press Conference
Korean Karoke
Favorite Quotes So Far...
J: Have you ever been to Hawaii???
Me: No
J: Ahhhh YOU have to go. But only if you....hmmm....one, go with friends- a really fun group, or two, go romantically head over heals in love! ..................... Never pissed off...ruins the experience.
R.S.: Girrrlll, you'll go from front desk to housekeeping just like that (w/ a snap) !
R.T.: Your Mom called, she said you're broke!!!
T: If all southern people are like you, I'm on the next flight south!
Those are just a few that made my day : ) More posts to come!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hi!!! From Santa Monica...
Hope Everyone Has A Wonderful Week! Hi from Santa Monica Beach!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Lots to Learn
The "Dream Grill" Gobo : ) is shown above! Followed by a "lavender" ballroom, which after a while might look white to you, when you stare at it for a while.
Beautiful, very saturated, Turquoise LED lights that Images By Lighting can implement at events.....
Some Color Gelled lights mixed with LED lights...
Pin spotting Table arrangements is a fun idea too....Personally, I think it looks great and adds a LOT to the overall appearance of a ballroom! We also tested to make sure none of the guests would be blinding by the spotlights. I was a "table" hopper : )
Images By Lighting
Thursday's lesson: Learn how a "Truss" is put together!!! Note: my terminology is still rusty, forgive me.
Step 1: Lay out the truss, pull on fabric covers- if there are any (silver for this event), then assemble some of the parts (yes, I even helped screw some bolts and washers in.. HA)
Step 2: Lift up the main frames and connect one of the inside cross bars to stable the truss.
Step 4: Connect the last overhead bar
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Trip to the Flower Market
Sunday 8/8/09...a Day to Remember!!! Post 2
Mr. Rodney Atkins....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Peak into Where I'm at...
This is just a sneak peak...
Sunday 8/8/09 A Day to Remember...Post 1
It was definitely an experience! Whenever I "grow up" and get a house, I might have to save up and come get furniture and decor from here, no matter where I am located! Friends & Family this is in the "5 yr" plan, so start saving and come with me! : ) There were so many fun pieces!!! Some people even had U-hauls! Of course I found a few exciting bargains, some jewelry and a vase!! After walking around the entire flea market, Elizabeth and I took a peak inside the stadium!!! I loved being able to see inside this historic "Bowl" stadium!!! If only there were a football game going on.... : )
After we the flea market, Elizabeth took me to downtown Pasadena to show me around. Here's where the day gets interesting....
While stopped at a Red light on a Colorado Blvd. (downtown), my car died. As in really died! Won't Start at ALL! I keep trying to crank it, and put my emergency lights on...don't worry people are honking, cussing, yelling, and speeding past me...while an entire Italian restaurant is watching-not moving just watching! Finally, my car loosened up enough to shift into Neutral, and I recruited a man and his son to help Elizabeth and I get it out of the middle of the street, and into the fire lane. Then, called the lovely "Hyundai Roadside Assistance" for a tow truck. Thankfully I wasn't by myself, Elizabeth was so helpful! 50 minutes later the Tow truck arrived. I asked the man to "jump" it, to see if the battery was the problem...which it was and jumping it worked. He then informed me- not to turn my car off and go straight to "Pepboys" to test my battery.
I get to Pepboys, and the manager was not very nice. After waiting 15 minutes (car still running), I finally got someone to help me. He tested the battery...it is suppose to come in at 600 and mine was 160...basically completely dead...maybe an hour of driving left in it. I was informed that the 10 minute process of changing the battery was going to take 1 1/2 hours at the least, because there were 5 cars in front of me. Lets just say by this point, I am wanting to download instructions on how to change a battery from my iphone and do it myself (not really, but kind of). He was impressed I knew it only took 10-15 minutes to change a battery, asked where I was from, and told me to go inside, buy the battery, bring it out there and someone would change if for me. 10 minutes later, I left with a new battery in my car!!! Thankfully it was just that I needed a new battery! He tested everything else, and I was good to go! I had to hurry home to get ready for the "Summer Under the Stars" Concert that was at 6:30........(Post 2 coming!)
Pink's Hot Dogs
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Few Favorites : )
At Images...I was asked if I liked Country Music???....If you know me well, you know that I LOVE Country Music. Two of the Ladies there are big fans and often go to concerts around the city! They were so excited to find out it was my favorite too!
Day 2:
At an Event Meeting that 2 of my companies participated in...I got to tour the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Downtown LA! I even got to go up to the top and look over the city. Up there is a Garden and several art sculptures. A funny story about this building is that originally, the shiny outside layer was so reflective, that the curtains in the apartments across the street had holes burnt in them from the sun! Thankfully they coated the exterior to reduce this problem. Isn't this building fantastic!?!

I worked at AOO Events all day today and for lunch....A few of my co-workers introduced me to FAT BURGER (according to them: the BEST burger place in LA)! I must say it was delicious! I got the "Medium Burger" and "FAT Fries." Excellent lunch suggestion and wonderful company! Thanks Tom and Nick!
Start of Something Great...
I started the day meeting with Mark Shelton at AOO Events. Mark is the master behind developing this shared internship opportunity for me. He wanted to ensure that I received quality experience and an overall understanding of the ins-and-outs of the industry. As well as, making sure that the joint internship would be worth me traveling across the country. He is a wonderful man who enjoys helping others along the way. I really won the lottery when I got connected with him. As soon as I arrived at AOO I was greeted by so many wonderful people! I met AOO's Founder, David Merrell, then the rest of the producers and designers. I absolutely love all of the guys there! They are so friendly and SO much fun to be around, constantly making me laugh! After a quick orientation at AOO I was on my way to TFS Studio!
Suprise....Guess What???....The owner of TFS Studio, Clifford Miller is from DeQueen, ARKANSAS!!! It really is such a small world! There Clifford and Brandon Dunn showed me around. They really wanted to get an idea of what I wanted out of this internship. Both of them are extremely kind and will be tremendous role models for me. We then went to lunch at Urth Cafe (excellent) and worked on a few floral photo ops at the studio. Clifford and Brandon actually have 3 businesses: The Flower Shop, TFS Studio, and Clifford & Brandon(an interior design company). Luckily they have 2 California weddings (in Santa Barbara and Orange County) that I will get to assist at while I am here.
After leaving TFS, I headed to Images by Lighting. I will be the first intern for Images by Lighting, so I am hoping to make a positive impact on them : ) I most likely will get the most hands-on experience with Images. They have numerous events while I am in town. This really excites me because dramatic lighting is one of the new "innovative" aspects of events. It is also an aspect that I have the least amount of experience in. The owners, Ray Thompson and Curt Stahl are very well known and respected in the industry. They have a wonderful team and I am so excited to work with them! They even spoiled me on day one with Starbucks Coffee, Colin Cowie dishes, decorative vases, and other fun items! (Side note: The employees were able to go through some of Colin's extra decor/tableware that was cleared out of his warehouse behind Images, and they let me get some too!!! So sweet!!!) Next thing I knew, it was 5:30 and time to call it a day, a pretty successful day at that!!!
I am in a very unique position being an intern for 3 companies, all who are in the same industry. One huge factor in this equation is flexibility. Everyone is so flexible with the schedule and all want me to get the most valuable experience. As an intern, I could not ask for three better companies to work for. The variety of knowledge and experience of the individuals that I will be working with will enhance my career far greater than I could have ever expected. As a beginner in the industry, I have lots to learn, but I assure you, I am learning from the best "top of the mountain" leaders!