I originally was suppose to fly out at 6:30 am today. However, the weather had another plan in store for me. My first flight was cancelled yesterday, and I was booked on a later flight. Today, that flight was cancelled and I was put on one at 5:50pm. By now you get the picture, that flight was cancelled on our way to the airport. So we turned around and headed home to bundle up by the fire.
On our way home, I was excited because now we had time to make our famous Snow Day Dip!!! It is super easy, and a perfect winter treat on a cold day like today. My parents discovered this dip skiing in Colorado one year and we have made it every winter since. (It is also a popular choice for Super Bowl Parties.)

Pull out a pie pan (I prefer a glass dish for this recipe). Spread 1 package of cream cheese along the bottom of the pan. (You can use any kind, original, low fat etc.) and the back of a spoon works great as a "spreader."

Next, add a layer of chili. Typically we use 1 can of Hormel Chili (beans or no beans, your preference). Today we used leftover chili that my mom made the other night. If you are snowed in and have leftover chili- MAKE THIS DIP!
Top it off with cheese. Usually we use the three cheese/Mexican shredded blend, but since we hadn't planned to make this today, we used what we had.

Pop it in the oven on 350 degrees and bake until the cheese is melted and begins to brown. Enjoy with chips, bread, crackers, anything and everything.

It is a PERFECT winter treat. And a huge hit for guys (my dad, uncles, and grandfather LOVE this). Stay warm tonight, and bake this delightful treat!
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