If you read Friday's Post then you know that I was SOOOO excited about the Tim McGraw and Lady Antebellum concert in Little Rock. So how was it???
One Word? No words can describe how much fun this night was. Still in shock/disbelief because it was just that great. The reason it was so great was probably because we had the best seats in the house (sorry but yes I am bragging for one second. Please forgive me!) We were on the floor row 17, in the middle- if you were there.
However if you couldn't go to the concert, do not fear- you can pretend you were there through this post. After dinner, Natalie, Jessica, and I headed to the concert. Mallory met us after she finished work. Here we are, once we made it to our seats!

The Lost Trailers opened up with a few songs to get the crowd pumped up! They stayed up on the larger part of the stage so I didn't get that good of a picture. I'll make it up to you, keep reading.

Then Lady Antebellum hit the stage. Heart. Love them and all of their songs. They are a wonderful group, and put on a great show!

Towards the end of their set, the lead singer made his way down the aisle-stage to us!! You would of thought we were in Jr. High again after he grabbed our hands! So much fun! ha (feel free to make fun-just leave a comment if you do, so everyone else can laugh too)

Such a cutie.
Then all three of them sang "I run to you" right in front of us! I love this song! This pic is from my iPhone; which was a trusty gadget till it died half-way through Tim. (My fault, I know.)
My favorite part about Lady Antebellum is their voices and how well they harmonize. I really think I could listen to them all day. Check out their CD if you have only heard the songs that play on the radio. They have some great ones that aren't hits yet.

Singing with such emotion.
Just how close were we?

I was about a hand away from grabbing his leg; so we had to get a pretend picture. Don't worry I wasn't really touching him- he was a good 2 inches away ;)

Then. Our main man.
Story time: I have always been a fan of Tim McGraw's songs- know most of them and the words. However, not overly obsessed or anything. Think I have one or two of his Cd's. Never been to his concert, etc. Well- now I am just in awe of him. He did a wonderful job working the stage-was by us more than the front row. Catered to the little kiddo's that came out to the concert. Even pulled 5-10 of them on stage for different songs. You can just tell he is truly a gentleman. So here he is....

He. Loved. Us. Shook our hands tons : ) Don't worry we weren't like "we aren't washing our hand" or anything!

He even pulled two little boys up during "something like that." They were in jeans, cowboy hats, and white t-shirts that had "bbq sauce" and the words "This is my BBQ stain" on them. He pulled them up while singing this song and even posed so that their mom could get a picture! I'll add the pic from one of my friends asap.

He played for about 2 hours straight! And we loved every second of it.
Then the four of us hit downtown because we couldn't turn in for the night after that! Now I am pretty certain he has four more "biggest" fans!
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