I am a country girl at heart and love being outside. So I was thrilled to find out the venue location for the weekend wedding was at the Firestone Vineyard. I absolutely fell in love with this venue so I decided to do a whole post just on it. The vineyard is located about 10 miles from Los Olivos, California.

We didn't decorate anything in the house because the wedding was outside under a huge oak tree and the reception was in the barn (more to come tomorrow)! But here is a view of the back of the house. Isn't this gorgeous, the land, the house, and the grape vines!
It was so cool to be on an actual vineyard. I have heard my parents talk about how beautiful they are for years, but now I got to see for myself. It is definitely something you should see if you are ever in California, even if you don't like wine!
Here is the few of the winery from the road leading to the house...
Here is the view from the gate...
And once you turn onto the street you can see the house...
Once again, it looks like you have been doing AMAZING things! You are getting so much experience, and having a great time along the way! So happy for you!